Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This week feels like it is going my super slow. I think its just because im really excited for this weekend. I miss marina, and i always love being with family. Plus i really need to get the club pages done for yearbook. I need to finish them by friday, and if i do that i will be super happy, and that will be a big wieght off of my shoulders. On friday I have a blue book test, possibly another essay, a stats quiz, and stats make up quiz. I cant wait until this week is over.
Okay so todayy i went with my mom to Sac State. I really felt gooood being on campus, it made me really excited to go there for the next four years. So when i was there i got some cool sac state wear :)
I've been actually watching American Idol every week, it's getting kind of boring though because it seems like every person doesnt pick the right song, well at least according to the judges. And maybe like 1 in 6 actually like blows everyone away. Man, i miss Anoop haha he did not make it last week :( but im hoping the judges will pick him if they have a wildcard.
I'm freaking exhausted i feel like i need a break, spring break needs to come NOW! haha i just wish i could take a week off and sleep or stay in bed for at least half of the week, and just have fun the other half of the week. I think that today made me kinda of stressed out just because of school work, plus planning all of the dates for the senior stuff coming up at the end of April, and May. Just a heads up during those months, i probably wont have any free time. Heres a little rundown of everything that is going to be happening those months. April CST testing which means i need to plan senior activities since seniors dont test, but then i also have to worrry about senior project presentations, and doing my own! Then every friday in May i have something going on. The 8th is going to be senior ball fashion show, then the next friday we are planning the seniors v. faculty basketball game. Then the next friday is senior ditch day because that saturday is PROM! and that next monday that would tradtionally be senior ditch day is already a holiday so we are making it a four day weekend for seniors. And Prom is a whole other story. We need to get all of that stuff going. And we have to start doing fundraisers, like E-waste drive, candy sales, and possibly movie nights, and Air Rock! And on top of all of that i have to keep up grades, and do yearbook work which already takes up the rest of my free time. It's a little frustrating. Oh and that last week in May is finals for us seniors and the 29th is the last day of school. Which brings up senior awards night, senior prank, senior secret, senior sunset, senior breakfast, and graduation. Well at least i have some really awesome people helping me out :)

So thats just me ranting a little bit about all my stresses lately sorry if i bored you haha oh but some good news is that tommorrow is thursday, one day closer to the WEEKEND!

- Riiiiiiiisaaa <3

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