Sunday, March 1, 2009

New! New! New!

So on Firday i traveled to the city of Marina, Ca. And that night i went to Salinas and got tattoo #2 :D Basically I am in love with it!! haha but right now it is a pain because its healing and all that fun stuff, my foot is a little swollen, so i may not go to school tomorrow, darn haha. I have a picture from right after i got it, and and i took another picture the day after. But if i took a picture today it wouldnt look so pretty but i will put a better picture up after its all done healinnn

Then on Saturday we woke up early and went shopping at the Gilroy outlets!! Where i got my gorgeous new coach purseeee!! and someone complimented my tattoo, so it was a pretty good dayy :)And on the drive back we basicalyy all took naps, except for my mom of course, who was driving. And im not sure if jada fell asleep because i feel asleep before she did, and woke up right when we were pulling into the drive way.

And then we went to church, the infamous T-Ho was there, and we ended up leaving after communion because papa (a.k.a Mike) wanted to go and cook, i guess. And then we had a little family party thingy with yummyy foooood :) and it was pretty chill :)
And as we were waiting for them to tell us they needed help me and jada took some picss haha

Then i went to bed and we left the next morning. And now I am back in Saccc, it was nice to get away for the weekend, and be with my familyy :)
Noww, it is the begining of another borring,long,probably stressful weeeek!

-rissaa <3

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