Sunday, March 15, 2009


So this weekend has been pretty fun especially yesterday! Me, margaret, Pachia, Jessica and i went to second saturday. We walked around got free chipotle,starbucks, saw someone get there back pierced and watched a little magic show, of which margaret was his assistant. haha Even though he just told her she was messing up his show! Then we went to Denny's after and ate lots of yummy food, so some drama and then we all went home!
I am so excited for this week! Late start tomorrow, tuesday and wednesday no school until like 11:15! The friday is Air Rock and i really hope we get it all together on time! And then this weekend i am goin to monterey to get my laptop! And to maybe celebrate Shiza's 17th Bdayy! I haven't asked her what she is doing yet! So we will seeeee!

<3 Rissaaaaa

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