Saturday, March 21, 2009

I knoww, I knoww

So, i knoww its been awhile since i've posted anything. But i have just been so busy i have had like no time! This past week we had two shorter days at school but it really didn't feel like it. The week seemed so longg! and
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISHAAAA!!!! Her birthday was on the 19th :) Then on the 20th my friends jessica, and margaret, and myself of course performed in Air Rock! it was amazingly fun! Best senior year memory yet! And i love those two girls to death! they are wonderfullll! Pictures, and video is on my Myspace, Facebook, and YouTube! so go check it ouut!
I am in monterey this weekend with the family. I got here at around 11:30 this morning and then we went to do some things like get me a Bump/ Hump it thingy or whatever its called! haha i love it! Also we just went to target, payless, petsmart, and jamba juice :) Then we came home, went to church, went to black bear diner, which wass veryy tassttyy! Then we all came back to our grandmas house and had cake, and just hung out! So far this weekend has been pretty great. I love being in Monterey, i love the weather, the atmosphere, the people, and most of all the fact that i have the best family in the world who live there! One day maybe after school i will move here, i know i want to live here at some point of my life. Ohh and plus i colored a huge hello kitty picture!! Okayy so im exhausted i have barely gotten andy good sleep in the past 4 nights! And i hope i get to sleep in tomorrow!

- Rissa Annaly

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