Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This week feels like it is going my super slow. I think its just because im really excited for this weekend. I miss marina, and i always love being with family. Plus i really need to get the club pages done for yearbook. I need to finish them by friday, and if i do that i will be super happy, and that will be a big wieght off of my shoulders. On friday I have a blue book test, possibly another essay, a stats quiz, and stats make up quiz. I cant wait until this week is over.
Okay so todayy i went with my mom to Sac State. I really felt gooood being on campus, it made me really excited to go there for the next four years. So when i was there i got some cool sac state wear :)
I've been actually watching American Idol every week, it's getting kind of boring though because it seems like every person doesnt pick the right song, well at least according to the judges. And maybe like 1 in 6 actually like blows everyone away. Man, i miss Anoop haha he did not make it last week :( but im hoping the judges will pick him if they have a wildcard.
I'm freaking exhausted i feel like i need a break, spring break needs to come NOW! haha i just wish i could take a week off and sleep or stay in bed for at least half of the week, and just have fun the other half of the week. I think that today made me kinda of stressed out just because of school work, plus planning all of the dates for the senior stuff coming up at the end of April, and May. Just a heads up during those months, i probably wont have any free time. Heres a little rundown of everything that is going to be happening those months. April CST testing which means i need to plan senior activities since seniors dont test, but then i also have to worrry about senior project presentations, and doing my own! Then every friday in May i have something going on. The 8th is going to be senior ball fashion show, then the next friday we are planning the seniors v. faculty basketball game. Then the next friday is senior ditch day because that saturday is PROM! and that next monday that would tradtionally be senior ditch day is already a holiday so we are making it a four day weekend for seniors. And Prom is a whole other story. We need to get all of that stuff going. And we have to start doing fundraisers, like E-waste drive, candy sales, and possibly movie nights, and Air Rock! And on top of all of that i have to keep up grades, and do yearbook work which already takes up the rest of my free time. It's a little frustrating. Oh and that last week in May is finals for us seniors and the 29th is the last day of school. Which brings up senior awards night, senior prank, senior secret, senior sunset, senior breakfast, and graduation. Well at least i have some really awesome people helping me out :)

So thats just me ranting a little bit about all my stresses lately sorry if i bored you haha oh but some good news is that tommorrow is thursday, one day closer to the WEEKEND!

- Riiiiiiiisaaa <3

Monday, February 23, 2009

Hello 18 :)

So today is my 18th Birthday!!! And i will start my whole day from the time i woke up. haha okay, so i woke up at about 7:20 and there was stargazer lilles in my bedroom :) ( by the way those are my favortie flowers <3)

And then i was greeted my my mother who told me happy birthdayy :). I went out into the living room where i saw all my 18 presents and more flowers, roses. There vases with 18 roses in them each :)

Then i got ready, picked up margaret and went to school. I walked into first and my teacher told me happy bday, and my home girl Aubri gave me a card and some cookies :)
By second period i had gotten amazing cute cupcakes from pachia :)

And i got some juicy earings that are adorable from josie :), and a cute wallet and love spell lotions from deniska :)

And then lunch tiiimmee, Margaret and Jessica surprised me with ballons and a brown bear, because she thinks im racist hahaha anywayss, and Jess made me cupcakes, and bought me a cake, and she brought some yummy enchiladas that were filled with amazing sauce and crab and shrimp :)

And at the end of the dayy many lovely people made my dayy really special :)
and i got a lot of sweet cards <3

Then i went out to dinner with margaret and my momma to the spagehtti factory, and cold stone for desert!
And i just wanted to say THANK YOU and I LOVE YOU! to everyone who said happy birthday, and made my 18th birthday a day to remember :)

Happy Birthday, Riss!

Have a super happy fun time, Riss! Now that you're 18 you can...

GAMBLE (in some states in casino's that don't serve alcohol)

Buy me some scratchers, okay?



GET A TATTOO (as if age's stopped you before ;)


And add a million more fun things to the list. Haha

Sunday night, Johnny and I picked my dad and Mike the Man up from the airport. We waited maybe an hour for them, aagh! We took pictures in the outside waiting area. We walked inside as the plane landed. Haha, Booo.

I'm in class right now and I have a headache! English next period, bleehhh...I've been writing this essay on Frederick Douglass and Gustavus Vassa for a while now and I have to finish it by tonight :( Aghh, I've been putting it off for too long now. I still need to pay for my AP test too. Some of my lucky friends only pay around 10 bucks while I get the super privelage of paying almost 9 times that, YES!

I need a job!


Saturday, February 21, 2009


Tonight was weekend # 3 of my b-day month! haha I had a little get together at my house, it was pretty chill. We ate and watched like two movies, Mirrors and Step Brothers. Mirrors was kinda wierd and some parts funny, and a little scary, and a little good haha i would give it like a 7. And Step Brothers is always a favorite :) Its suppper funny. Then we had some really good chocolate with stawberries cake, and some ice cream. I was planning on taking pictures, buttt that didnt happen I only have one with talla :)

I cant wait until my actually birthday on Monday!Next weekend I am going to Marina, Ca to celebrate my Birffday with my family. Just some hanging out and hopefully get tattoo #2 :D Im super excited about that! And about celebrating my birthday for another weekend haha.

I am really tired and I really want to sleep in tomorrow morning! Then i have to worry about fixing all of that club stuff for yearbook, i seriously feel like this deadline is never going to end! Everytime i think about it i get stressed out! I just basically want it to be over with, and i never want to see it again! haha And hopefully tomorrow i will fit in a manicure, and pedicure because i reallly need one. So I guess ill see what unfolds tomorrow.

p.s. that toddlers in tiara's show is a little scary and disturbing, but i cant stopp watching it, ohh and i watched GREASE today for the first time in forever, I love that movie :)

<3 Risssaaa

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hey, Hi, Hello Again

New year, new blog? I suppose so. :)

So last weekend, I spent my President's Day in San Jose. The weather outside was wishy-washy-- super cold, but the sun would be out one second, the next, rain would be sprinkling unmercifully, freezing everyone on the spot.

I finally went to the Japanese Garden. Surprisingly, the sun was out all the time we were there. Though the flowers weren't all bloomed, it was still absolutely beautiful.

This little house wants me to have my birthday there ;)

I got a chance to visit Valley Fair Mall and I picked up a MinMin Panda tote bag. I thought about buying some presents, but like a dummy, I only brought about 50 bucks with me.

One the way home, we were driving out trying to figure out how to get back home when I saw it-- the Winchester Mystery House! I've been wanting to visit for the longest time and since we were in the area, we took a tour.

My pictures turned out quite odd...

No idea why the picture turned out blue... The sun was shining in through the windows, so lighting wasn't an issue. I didn't mess with any settings on my phone either. Looks like a little face of a woman is sitting the corner.

The mansion was definitely my favorite part of the day. I found nothing really creepy about it, I just enjoyed learning the history of the house and the oddball who built it.

Coming events:

AP History Test! I'm ready to shovel out 80 bucks to make an A on my final.

My birthday is less than a month away, ahh! 17 is the age to be, just ask Metro Station and Stephenie Meyer :)


Thursday, February 19, 2009


Wow, so this is our neww blogg! Yuuss, haha im excited to be blogging again.
Okay so its been awhile, and a lot is new! This week has been really stressful, thankgoodness that its almost over, and that tomorrow is an assembly schedule day, YAY! for black history assembly! Oh and i wanted to thank Misha for setting all this wonderful stuff up :) I love youu<3
So i just made a facebook on Saturday, or Sunday haha i cant remember. But im trying to get used to it. Anothherrr thing that is amazingg is that my birthday is on Monday! Im GOING TO BE 18! I really can't believe how fast my life is going by. I feel like just yesterday i was still going to Merryhill, but those dayss are over and everypne is growing up. All i know is that High School has gonee by wayy to fast. So to everyone who is going to be a freshman next year, some words of advice, take school seriuosly from day 1, have fun, and particiapte in every school activity that you can :)

This year valentines day was pretty good, i got to spend it with my gma, gpa (a.k.a. mikebabyy) jada rei, keannah love, and my momma, some of my favorite people, whom i love with all my heart :) I am just feeling really good lately, and i hope it continues.

Plus i learned, thanks to margaret i need to be happy with myself, and then i can be happy with my life, and with everyone else, and p.s. i am cutee :) hahahaha anywayysss did i mention that my birthday is on monday, february the 23rd haha, i've been pretty much celebrating this wholee month. I figured i had to do it big for my 18th!