Sunday, April 26, 2009

AHHH, Mish i agree with youuu

I never have time to come on here either, once school is over then i will have more than enough timee!
Ohh followw me on Twitter toooo!
User Name: RissaAnnaly
everything you want to know about me, you can find out haha!
just follow me i update that all the timee :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Check me out on Twitter!
User Name: MishaPablo

I never really have time to update this thing.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

A lot of things I need, and that are almost here...

It's Almost:
spring break
time for senior project to be due
senior ball
senior activities
and a billion other little things that need to be done!

This weekend so far has been pretty good! Friday was spent at cultural events watching a slideshow about Israel, and belly dancing. Then off to Jessica's with Margaret,Pachia, and Jess of course to make chicken enchiladas! which by the way were amazing! Then we finished The Best Man, and watched Love & Basketball :) Then today saturday I cleaned out my car, got an oil change, and got it detailed! It looks amazing, and my poor car desperately needed some TLC. And then by the time I got back, we headed to church. Then after we went to Old Navy and got soo many new spring/summer clothes! I am super excited to wear them. And now i am super tired at home watching movies, and tagging people in a stupid picture on myspace! haha I watched Pearl Harbor, and The Wedding Date :). I feel like i am forgetting to do something that really needs to be done, hmm hopefully i remember if there is something! I want to watch SlumDog Millionaire, maybee tomorrow! I am still trying to decide what i am going to do, or where i am going to go for my senior trip thingy that I get from my gparents for graduation, i think i need to decide soon! Today i was also thinking about starting to collect decorations and things for senior ball, i need to start because i have a feeling that time is going to fly by before i know it! I really need to finish my senior project like pronto, i need to finish so i wont have to worry about it anymore! Oh speaking of things i need to do, i need to graph my closing proces and vol for this week, i need to stay on top of my stock portfolio! I NEED to do a lot of thingss! I wish i didnt have sooo much to do! I cant wait until the end of the year :/

Saturday, March 21, 2009

I knoww, I knoww

So, i knoww its been awhile since i've posted anything. But i have just been so busy i have had like no time! This past week we had two shorter days at school but it really didn't feel like it. The week seemed so longg! and
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISHAAAA!!!! Her birthday was on the 19th :) Then on the 20th my friends jessica, and margaret, and myself of course performed in Air Rock! it was amazingly fun! Best senior year memory yet! And i love those two girls to death! they are wonderfullll! Pictures, and video is on my Myspace, Facebook, and YouTube! so go check it ouut!
I am in monterey this weekend with the family. I got here at around 11:30 this morning and then we went to do some things like get me a Bump/ Hump it thingy or whatever its called! haha i love it! Also we just went to target, payless, petsmart, and jamba juice :) Then we came home, went to church, went to black bear diner, which wass veryy tassttyy! Then we all came back to our grandmas house and had cake, and just hung out! So far this weekend has been pretty great. I love being in Monterey, i love the weather, the atmosphere, the people, and most of all the fact that i have the best family in the world who live there! One day maybe after school i will move here, i know i want to live here at some point of my life. Ohh and plus i colored a huge hello kitty picture!! Okayy so im exhausted i have barely gotten andy good sleep in the past 4 nights! And i hope i get to sleep in tomorrow!

- Rissa Annaly

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So this weekend has been pretty fun especially yesterday! Me, margaret, Pachia, Jessica and i went to second saturday. We walked around got free chipotle,starbucks, saw someone get there back pierced and watched a little magic show, of which margaret was his assistant. haha Even though he just told her she was messing up his show! Then we went to Denny's after and ate lots of yummy food, so some drama and then we all went home!
I am so excited for this week! Late start tomorrow, tuesday and wednesday no school until like 11:15! The friday is Air Rock and i really hope we get it all together on time! And then this weekend i am goin to monterey to get my laptop! And to maybe celebrate Shiza's 17th Bdayy! I haven't asked her what she is doing yet! So we will seeeee!

<3 Rissaaaaa

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Aren't these absolutely DARLING?

I have to say, Taylor Lautner (aka Sharkboy to Brian) is super cute.

And I'm pretty excited to see him take on a bigger part in New Moon ;)

Seventeen forever in less than a week!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Soo friday wwe went to CKM's boys volleyball game! It was pretty cool, even though they lost, they still played very well though! And Saturday i went shopping, out to lunch and church with my momma. So it was a prettyy chill day. And on sunday i went to Joe's Crab Shack with margaret and her mom because it was her birthdayy! OMG! that resturant is soo hilarious, and a good place to go with a lot of people to have fun! I have no school tomorrow because we are going to host this youth forum thing at health professions high school. And my tattoo is finally not looks "fresh" as margaret called it. haha It looks a lot better and its barely even red at all!

Spring Break comee fastterr!!

<3 Risssaa